Szybki i prosty sposób płacenia w witrynach, aplikacjach i sklepach.
Dotknij, aby zapłacić wszędzie tam, gdzie akceptowane są płatności zbliżeniowe i Google Pay™. Wystarczy dodać kartę Jeton Card do Google Wallet™, aby uzyskać szybki i bezpieczny dostęp, gdy jest to potrzebne. Wszystko jest chronione w jednym miejscu, bez względu na to, dokąd się wybierasz.
Przejdź przez proces płatności ze spokojem, że Twoje dane są przechowywane bezpiecznie.
Łatwe płacenie na różnych urządzeniach dzięki Google Pay. Zapisane karty są dostępne z funkcją autouzupełniania na każdym urządzeniu, na którym zalogowano się do Google.
Błyskawicznie wypełniaj formularze, korzystając z funkcji autouzupełniania, aby wprowadzić informacje o płatnościach, adresy i hasła za pomocą zaledwie kilku dotknięć.
Rozpoczęcie pracy jest proste
Dodanie karty Jeton do Google Wallet zajmuje tylko kilka chwil. Pobierz aplikację Google Wallet z Google Play, a następnie otwórz ją i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami.
Zapisz swoją kartę Jeton Card na koncie Google, aby płacić za pomocą Google na różnych urządzeniach.
Gdzie mogę korzystać z Google Pay?
Po zapisaniu danych karty Jeton Card na koncie Google można dokonywać płatności online wszędzie tam, gdzie akceptowana jest usługa Google Pay.
Usługa Google Pay jest akceptowana wszędzie tam, gdzie widoczne są poniższe symbole, logo lub przycisk Google Pay
Potrzebujesz dodatkowych wskazówek?
Zapoznanie się z często zadawanymi pytaniami dotyczącymi dodawania/używania Google Pay z kartą Jeton
How can I add my card into Wallet?
Yes you can! Here are the 2 different ways to add;
1- Login to your Jeton Account, go to Jeton Card Page, click “Show Card Details” or “Manage”. You will see “Add to Google Pay” button, then follow the flow. 2- Find “Wallet” feature under the “Setting” menu in your phone. Click “Add new card”. You can manually add your card into wallet or redirect yourself to the App again.
Can I suspend (freeze) my card from Wallet?
Yes you can. You can take action about your tokens (DPAN) individually. Under “Show Card Details” or “Manage” you will see your Devices where your Jeton Card has been added. You will also see status of your “Token” as “Active” or “Suspended”.
You can change this status by using enable/disable button on the screen. You should wait few seconds after changing this button. If you click enable/disable button repeatedly, you may lock the system.We recommend you to wait few seconds after each attempt. You will see notification on the top, after the completion of the action.
Action on your Tokens doesn’t affect your Card (FPAN).
Can I resume/unfreeze my Suspended Card?
Yes, as like your physical/virtual card (FPAN), you can take similar action for your Token (DPAN) into Wallet. Please check previous answer, it describes the function.
Can I delete my card from Wallet?
Yes you can. You can take action about each your tokens (DPANs) individually. Under “Show Card Details” or “Manage” you will see your Devices where your Jeton Card has been added. You will also see “Remove the card from G Pay” button under each added device.
Delete action is undone, when you delete a Token, you need to add your Card (FPAN) into Wallet again.Also please note that, after Delete action, you will see your Card as “Unavailable” under the Setting/Wallet menu. You might remove from there too.
Action on your Tokens doesn’t affect your Card (FPAN).
Can I add a card again if I deleted it once?
Yes you can add your card (FPAN) again by following the same steps at the beginning.
Can I resume the deleted cards/tokens if I find my lost device?
Deleted/removed cards can't be resumed, only suspended cards can. But you can add your deleted card again whenever you want.
When I “Suspend/Freeze” or “Delete” my Jeton Card from Wallet, can I still use my Physical/Virtual Card?
Yes, you can. Actions on your Token (DPAN) doesn’t affect your Card (FPAN).
When my Card isn’t suitable to use (like insufficient funds or freezed) are my tokens affected?
Yes. To be able to use your Tokens (DPANs) your main Card (FPAN) should be available to use.
I can’t add my Card into Wallet and it says “'Card Not Added - Contact Your Issuer”
Your card should be (temporarily) closed/blocked and hence cannot be used, please activate/unfreeze it and try again.
Why do I see a tick mark with 'Done' on my device when the terminal in the shop says the payment has been declined?
Tick indicates that the terminal can read your token. Approve/Decline message comes after according to card availability controls.
Will I get a notification for transactions?
Yes you will see declined/approved transaction notification in your main screen. Also you can check your transactions under the Jeton app/transaction list.
Can I add another bank's card to Wallet?
Yes you can add as long as the Issuer supports.
What can I do if my Phone is lost/stolen?
You can suspend/delete your card in your Google Account or we can do it on your behalf. You can continue to use your physical card, and add again into your new Phone.